>>Flick the Switch<<
It's all about Me
Lyn; Oreos. I fail in life, and like cheerfully morbid things. I also harbour a secret desire to be president and would like to state that i'm drug-free. A idealistic, cynical, opptimistic realist, I'm most succesful in not doing anything. Life's just absolutely dandy, ya?

Last on The Braincell Massacre...

  • OMG I can't believe i'm doing this...

  • Bitch Fiesta

    Fellow Brethens

    Jin Hong
    Min Ying
    Mugger's Cafe

    Past Tragedies

    July 2006
    August 2006
    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
    December 2006
    January 2007
    February 2007
    March 2007
    April 2007
    May 2007
    June 2007
    July 2007
    October 2007
    December 2007
    January 2008
    May 2008


    Designer: li0nheart
    Code base: Ebullient*
    Flash: ~thehermitdesign
    Modified: Seven

    Welcome to crackistic.blogspot.com! Hover your cursor over the little circles for a pleasant surprise! =D

    Cosfest '06~ / Sunday, July 09, 2006

    There was a cross-dresser. again. whose name i can't remember since i don't remember names easily. =_= and katamari~ and ALOT of bleach (omfg) and Ouran High School (yay! fanservice!). Dan really really really looks like Watanuki. and Ivy does a good Yuuko. Poor Jenova. (i forgot her name too =_=) she stand all day... And! lotsa lotsa emo goths and lolitas.
    O-o er.

    It seems that there are alot of new people. and lots more are gonna join, apparently. now cosplay isn't that unique/great anymore i suppose... kinda sad. dunno... it just is.... er...


    ANYWAY! kudos to the cosplayers~!~!~!~! *fangirls over mokona er i mean XXXHollic*

    It was raining though so alot of extra people decided to go in. Big crowd, a stupid damn car inside for display when it could be used as walking space(goodness knows we needed that), high volumes... O-o... aiyee.

    (no shinies T_T)

    Pretty good cosfest i guess.

    "You're pitiful, you're pitiful, you're pitiful it's true." damn i want that song.

    7/09/2006 08:49:00 PM
