>>Flick the Switch<<
It's all about Me
Lyn; Oreos. I fail in life, and like cheerfully morbid things. I also harbour a secret desire to be president and would like to state that i'm drug-free. A idealistic, cynical, opptimistic realist, I'm most succesful in not doing anything. Life's just absolutely dandy, ya?

Last on The Braincell Massacre...

  • *Sparkles*
  • Kweh.
  • Drainbamaged
  • Cosfest '06~
  • OMG I can't believe i'm doing this...

  • Bitch Fiesta

    Fellow Brethens

    Jin Hong
    Min Ying
    Mugger's Cafe

    Past Tragedies

    July 2006
    August 2006
    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
    December 2006
    January 2007
    February 2007
    March 2007
    April 2007
    May 2007
    June 2007
    July 2007
    October 2007
    December 2007
    January 2008
    May 2008


    Designer: li0nheart
    Code base: Ebullient*
    Flash: ~thehermitdesign
    Modified: Seven

    Welcome to crackistic.blogspot.com! Hover your cursor over the little circles for a pleasant surprise! =D

    Naaaaaaa nanana na nana na~ / Sunday, August 20, 2006

    Naaaaaaaaaa nanana na nana na, katamari damanci~~~

    XDXD saw this flash pic of a moogle rolling FFVII charcters katamari style, which includes most bishonens.XD katamari fantasee~~~

    I was so HIGHLY amused. XD

    So yesterday, weiyi and mabel came over to my place to study physics. And then chat. and chat. and chat. and ate pizza for dinner. and chat. Hey, we studyed, okay? and had lots of fun. who says fun can't go along with studies. huh? HUH?

    XD moreover, i learnt even more new things about my two dear friends. XD *cue sappy music*... *cough cough*

    yes, yes. whatever.

    Then today, i was blabbering stuff to my mum. so much so that she told me, "You think too much."... has any mum told their daughter this?... >_> w.e.r.i.d. but that's ma. *hearts*

    And i got pissed at my bro again. X_x actually, i felt nothing. nada, zilch, no irritation whatsoever. 0_o. but i went for a jog downstairs just because. in sandals. And only a few minutes into jogging, i met an old lady, who wanted help to take pictures to finish the film. so i helped. and...the scenary was the trees... in-ter-est-ing.

    And running further on, i was like: Meixi lives on the 2nd floor leh... so i ran to her house. She just came back from camp and was all sleepy, just waking up and all, and she still has CT2 too... o_O stupid organisers. We talked alot (and i feel so happy cuz we haven't talked in a VERY VERY long while. sappy, i know. but what to say? she's been my very close friend)And now! i have material to tease Jia Cheng with.


    Not emo-ing. Good. Life's been good thus far, or so i currently feel.

    Take life easy, ya?

    Loving OK Go. squee~

    I feel accomplished. =)

    "We'll burn that bridge when we come to it."~ Jack Sparrow FTW!

    8/20/2006 10:02:00 PM
